Welcome to our API portal!
Are you a developer?
Here you will find all you need to know about our APIs. Sign up to Consume!
Support for developers
Please read the text box "Getting started" and the blog entries for information on how to access the APIs.
If you experience errors in the API services, please send a mail to the mail address:
api( at ) vinmonopolet.no
Getting started
Check out the available APIs. Click on each to get documentation, including code samples ready for consumption.
To be able to consume an API, you need to register first and then subscribe to the product it belongs to.
After you have signed up as developer, and have subscribed to one of our products, you can click the "Try it" button to test each API from your browser.
You need to enter the correct corresponding subscription key when testing APIs in the developer portal, or using an external test tool like Postman (i.e. set correct subscription key as value for header key name "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key")
In your profile you can see the products you are subscribing to, with related subscription keys.